Now it is obvious that in the coming year 2022, the investment citizenship industry will continue to develop against the background of restrictive measures related to the pandemic. No matter how much we wish to leave all the worries about the plans of movement around the world in the past year, this component of our lives still depends heavily on the pandemic. What is trending for citizenship by investment industry now and what to expect as a next trend? Nuri Katz, Founder and President of Apex Capital Partners answers these questions.

«COVID-19 hasn’t changed the industry simply by limiting travel, although that has been significant, but also because of the cultural and social impact we’re experiencing in so many parts of the world. The United States is a good example, as a country not commonly associated with obtaining citizenship elsewhere, it has now become a hotbed for RCBI business. Similarly, some of the trends following COVID that have emerged in Europe, Asia and the Middle East following COVID are now resulting in new regions opening up CIP programs for global citizens» – says Nuri Katz, President and Founder of Apex Capital Partners, while being questioned for Uglobal Immigration Magazine.
Second passport: good investment or lifestyle opportunity
Nuri Katz: “The pandemic and the economic situation have created an increased demand for citizenship by investment. It became clear to many of those who postponed the decision on the planning of second citizenship that with locked borders, lack of flights in most areas and the inability to obtain a tourist visa from another country, it was necessary to think about having official grounds (in the form of a passport or residence permit) in their country of choice with their family in the next crisis”.
Caribbean Citizenship programs: gold standard of the industry
Nuri Katz: “Caribbean citizenship has become the “gold standard” of the industry. The passport of most Caribbean countries (like Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Saint Lucia etc.) gives the right of visa-free entry to more than 180 states of the world. This avoids bureaucratic difficulties in preparing for business and personal travel. And all the process of obtaining passport could be done remotely, you don’t have to reside. But now we see that people, especially HNWI, tend to go on vacation visiting islands, because it is much safer according to pandemic situation, less populated than any other locations. And here I see a lot of potential for hotel business in the Caribbean area. Of course, it is hard now to make any plans on how fast it will grow and how much profit it is going to make. But even now we have here some projects in constant progress like Anichi Resort and SPA (a part of Marriott’s Autograph Collection) on Dominica, or Six Senses La Sagesse on Grenada. And it is also an approved option for investors who seek second passport opportunities. You always have a choice here, options. For Caribbean Citizenship by Investment programs the minimum investments begin from $100,000 (if to look for non-returnable investment in government funds). And investor may include a lot of dependents in the application: spouse, children, sisters and brothers, parents”.

«While some big countries are still holding their breath changing protocols Caribbean comes to life. The yachting events are back, cruising premiers has been announced, and it is going to be a high season».
“New year, new you, new destinations!” – a motto from Conde Nast Traveler new issue naming top destinations to travel on winter vacations. And Dominica is mentioned among them. Mind that for visiting you must know the protocols due to the pandemic situation (Dominica).
European Citizenship and Residence programs
At the end of 2021, the work of the brightest program of the season — investment citizenship of Montenegro should be completed. Nevertheless, the Government of Montenegro still has the opportunity to extend the proposal for a short period of time in order to enhance its economic development. If the authorities so decide, APEX will immediately inform all clients and partners.
Contrary to the misconceptions on the topic of deadlines, Permanent Residency by investments in Europe is issued not faster, but even longer than Caribbean citizenship or Montenegrin passport. Nevertheless, investment Permanent Residency aka Golden Visa programs continue to work successfully.
The APEX team of experts monitors all news of investment citizenship programs, and, as before, will talk about them in 2022! Stay with us!